Scouting is meant to be accessible to EVERYONE and as such accommodations can be made. One of the best things about scouting is the support that is available from all the leaders and other families. Don’t be afraid to ask your den leader or other experienced families for tips or help! Let’s start with the two most popular (and important) questions we get all the time:
- What is the time commitment?
- How much will this cost me?
In order to answer the first question, there are a couple terms we use when describing our organization. The first being the “Pack” which signifies ALL scouts and leaders. The second is the “Den” which are subsets of the pack where scouts are grouped by grade level to a den leader. There can me multiple dens of the same grade level if there are a lot of scouts of that age or if there are enough volunteers to lead another den.
The Scouting Year
Pack 564 provides a full program of activities throughout the Scouting year from August to May. We strive to have all scouts earn their ranks by the Pack’s Blue & Gold Ceremony (celebrating the Cub Scouting Anniversary) in February, allowing ample time for boys to work on additional electives and awards. The Pack takes a break (no Pack meetings) during the summer months of June through August, but continues to provide activities each month to keep scouts active and interested.
Time Commitment
Like all other activities you sign-up for, it is important to know how much of your valuable free time is going to be needed. Also, like all other activities, the more time you can apply to the activity the more successful you will be. Scouting is no different.
The most important activity in Cub Scouts is the Den meeting. This is when your child will meet with their assigned den and work on skills towards advancement. Dens will typically meet at least once a month. The den leader and parents discuss as a group and agree upon the time and location of the meetings. It is not unheard of for active dens and parents wanting to meet more than once a month. This can be discussed at the first meeting and changed anytime in the year. Den meetings are usually an hour to hour and a half long and is adjusted as needed based on the activity, scouts attention span, or other factors. In addition to monthly den meetings, dens may also plan field trips or other activities relevant to scouting or an adventure they are working on.
The Pack meets once a month, usually the 3rd Friday each month from 7-8 PM, in the Mililani Mauka Elementary School cafeteria. Pack meetings are not required, but this is a good place for all the scouts to interact with each other and to get information on any upcoming events the pack has planned. The meeting might also include group building activities, occasional guest speaker, special award ceremonies, etc.
Pack activities are scheduled throughout the year. Many are service projects to teach the importance of giving back to the community and to encourage community participation. Other activities include participating in local parades, building and racing pinewood derby cars, hiking, family camps, and more.
The Cost
Membership Fees & Dues:
The cost to run the Scouting program at the national and local level is huge. Lucky for us, donations, grants, and fundraisers help minimize the resulting membership fees and dues. A breakdown of the cost can be found on our registration page.
A brand new field uniform can be quite the investment and cost more than $100. You can find great deals on online marketplaces such as eBay or Facebook for gently used or even new uniforms. The pack also has activity shirts available for purchase that scouts can wear to den meetings or other scouting activities.
Our Pack typically runs two family camps, one in spring and the other in the fall. We collect a small fee for each person attending to cover the costs of the food.
Pack & Den Activities:
Optional activities such as field trips or day camps may have an admission/participant fee.