What to Wear

Seeing all our scouts lined up and looking sharp is sight to see. The scout uniform is one of the vehicles used in delivering the Scouting program. It fosters unity and shows that you are part of a team. There are base components of the uniform as well as grade specific items to differentiate each rank from another.

Field Uniform vs Activity Uniform

There are two different types of uniforms. The first is the Field Uniform (Class A) and the Activity Uniform (Class B). The field uniform is worn at pack meetings and also at camps during the flag ceremonies. The activity uniform is used for all other scouting activities unless otherwise specified.

Field Uniform

To minimize expenses, try to “size up” so your scout can use the same uniform for as long as possible. The field uniform comes in three variations:

Lions – For Kindergarten

  1. Shirt: The official Lion t-shirt
  2. Pants: Blue pants with belt loops. Official pants/shorts/skorts and official socks are optional at this age.
  3. Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with Cub Scouts metal buckle
  4. Hat: Official navy-blue Lion hat
  5. Neckerchief & Neckerchief Slide: Optional. The den decides if they will wear the official Lion neckerchief and slide

Blue – For 1st grade to 4th grade

  1. Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt
  2. Pants: The official blue pants/shorts/skorts
  3. Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with Cub Scouts metal buckle
  4. Socks: Official blue socks are available in ankle, crew, and knee length
  5. Hat: Official blue hat with den rank emblem
  6. Shoes: Covered toe, covered heel. “Crocs” style not acceptable.
  7. Neckerchief & Neckerchief Slide: Official triangle neckerchief and gold tone slide with same rank emblem as the hat
  8. Webelos Colors: 4th & 5th grade only. Official uniform piece worn on the right sleeve

Tan/Green – For 5th graders and also used by Scouts BSA if they continue their scouting journey through middle and high school.

  1. Shirt: The official tan uniform shirt
  2. Pants: The official green pants/shorts/skorts
  3. Belt: Official green web belt with Scouts BSA metal buckle
  4. Socks: Official green socks are available in ankle, crew, and knee length
  5. Hat: Official green hat with Webelos plaid front
  6. Shoes: Covered toe, covered heel. “Crocs” style not acceptable.
  7. Neckerchief & Neckerchief Slide: Official Webelos triangle neckerchief and gold tone slide
  8. Webelos Colors: 4th & 5th grade only. Official uniform piece worn on the right sleeve
  9. Blue Shoulder Loops

Adults who choose to wear a field uniform can follow the Scouts BSA tan/green uniform with blue shoulder loops. Official green hap and neckerchief is optional.

Activity Uniform

The activity uniform consists of:

  1. Shirt: Pack t-shirt or any gray t-shirt
  2. Pants: Activity appropriate; any color
  3. Socks: Activity appropriate; any color
  4. Hat: Field uniform hat
  5. Shoes: Covered toe, covered heel. “Crocs” style not acceptable.

Patches & Placement

  • Red pack numbers – Do not purchase. This will be provided once you have registered
  • Aloha Council shoulder patch – the blue with turtle
  • Purple World Crest circle patch – USA border ring for this patch is optional
  • Den number patch
Image from scouting.org “Cub Scout Insignia”
Image from scouting.org “Cub Scout Insignia”